General Medicine?

General Medicine deals with the prevention, diagnosis and focuses on the various treatments of adults. Such treatment includes infectious disease and non-infectious illnesses of the internal body organs. The internists and General Physicians have in-depth experience in managing patient’s heart, lungs, brain and several multi-system diseases.

This department of General Medicine is a backbone of every hospital where the unsung general physicians take care of the admitted patients without adopting the surgery method. These expertise have a wide vision and mission to cure disorders from its roots.

Not only are certified & best physicians are available here with comprehensive care having specialized in geriatrics, rehabilitation, physical medicine, and general medicine. This department also provides subspecialties to treat any type of multiple organ disorder in an emergency or critical situation.

Diseases cured under General Medicine Department

We are committed to providing you with the focused care for long-term diseases and post-acute symptoms. As we excel in fulfilling our dream to serve the humanity at the supreme level of medical facilities, we have highly trained and experienced general physicians with us having 15+ years of knowledge in vast fields viz. Diabetes, hypertension, infectious diseases, hormonal diseases (such as thyroid, growth hormone and insulin), heart diseases, lungs diseases like bronchial asthma, liver disease, pancreas diseases, arthritis, gallbladder stone, kidney stones, nephritis, mouth disease, anemia, leukemia, lymphoma, infectious disease caused by virus, bacteria, fungus, influenza, chicken pox, measles, dengue fever, tuberculosis, typhoid fevers, malaria etc.

Age Factor

Children who are suffering from such chronic diseases can go to Pediatricians as they deal with children with illnesses who are below 18 years of age. Above 18 years can directly go to the General Medicine department to get themselves diagnosed through expert advice. They will first identify the disease that involves multiple organ disorders which is uncommon if the patient is suffering from something severe. Afterward, the treatment will be started under the General Physician guidelines.

General Medicine Team

General Medicine is a practice conducted by our hospital consisting of consultants, registrar and other duty doctors. whereas, some duty doctors are also available in our hospital that too are well-qualified in training & practicing. Our professional and skilled team of doctors give their best shot to restore a patient's health through diagnosis and treatment.

Creating Awareness

Herein, our superior services of general medicine are not confined to diagnosis and treatment; rather, it is also working to create awareness about many diseases that are often ignored by people. Our management is working thoroughly to generate awareness to lead a healthy lifestyle through superior care for the patients and enlightening people about prevention of non-communicable diseases.

Our Team of Specialists

Dr Ramesh Hiremth

Medical Physician